by admin | Aug 10, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Sketchpad charcoal and ipad mixed media Cataract Gorge – Mic Rees 2014 Early start Set off fire alarm in cottage from shower steam managed to fumble my way out and turn it off, before fire brigade arrived (close door, put fan on). Beautiful sunny day 0-12...
by admin | Aug 9, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Water Swirls slowing down as the surge from the downpour and the white swirls are thinning out as they drift passed the cottage and under the bridge, then spent a day with friends at their farm on the Tamar River and a visit to Beconsfield Mine. Rain set in so did...
by admin | Aug 7, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Walk to the basin and found a soon to be popular sunny rock on a 0 degrees morning, soon warming up in the sun .Great Lunch and a catch up with a old friend in Launceston back to the Gorge stayed out painting and sketching walking the basin zig zag loop back to the...
by admin | Aug 6, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Sketchbbook sketch photo taken and Finished in Procreate on ipad Woke up met my friend for the stay a Possum commuting between a large tree and the roof of the cottage at night, he stayed company while I sketched some early morning semi abstract pieces from the...
by admin | Aug 5, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Woke up to a toasty 0 degrees but charged up to 10 by midday First full day exploring Cataract Gorge walked the loop track of the Gorge coming back via Zig zag and over Knights Bridge , stopping at vantage points mainly sketching the swirls and patterns from the...
by admin | Aug 4, 2014 | AIR-TassieGorge
Arrive fly in from Sydney and arrive at Launceston at midday quick Shuttle bus to Launceston CBD to meet Cathy at the Council Chambers Cathy Gave me a tour of Kings Bridge Cottage in which I will call home for the best part of August. The Gorge presented a spectacular...