Art, Gallery and food in Launceston

Art, Gallery and food in Launceston

Night Cataract Gorge Launceston Tasmania – painted on ipad – mic rees Harvest market in the CBD for supplies including fresh crisp sweet apples for the week., walsk to TAS ARTS in Invernesk , QMA Gallery Museum and back into town for some awesome shanghai...
First cloudy day! in Launceston and warmest

First cloudy day! in Launceston and warmest

Night Path – Cataract Gorge Launceston – ipad painting on site – Mic Rees First cloudy day! And the warmest Off to the library in town to catch up with email and skype a haircut and a visit to Launceston Gallery QVB for a Fred Williams exhibition....
Plans, cuppas, science and sunset Launceston

Plans, cuppas, science and sunset Launceston

Met up at Mill Provedore Gallery and deli with local ipad artist Nigel Lazenby for a cuppa and talked about our work and processes and planned a trip to MONA in Hobart together. Walk into town for grocery top up discovering a great Asian supermarket and the CWA...

Simple ipad sketch from The Basin in Cataract Gorge Prep for school ipad art lessons visit this morning, Gorge loop around zig zag track and painting of some favourite Dolomite cliff structures along the way, water is now slowing and more reflections are starting to...